Tranmere stats

Across this section you will find in-depth Tranmere stats and figures which we keep up-to-date throughout the season.

When Tranmere slipped in to non-league in 2015, there were many negatives. In fact, there were no positives. But one that was largely overlooked was the lack of Tranmere stats that were available in the National League.

Information such as assists, goals per minute, etc were hard to come by. Nobody really cared what was happening below the Football League, and so we set about trying to build this back up when we re-launched in 2017.

We have complete Tranmere stats for the entire 2017/18 season in non-league. We compile the stats manually, using video footage to determine data such as assists. It’s time-consuming, but with it not readily available elsewhere, we felt it important.

Football League stats

Tranmere’s wonderful promotion back to the Football League in May 2018 gives us a lovely decision to make. Continue with the stats, despite the fact they will be available in-depth elsewhere now we’re back in the EFL, or park them?

We have chosen to continue producing them at least to the same standard as we have during the 2017/18 season. Appearances, minutes played, goals, assists, yellow cards, red cards and some of the other data will be maintained as frequently as possible.

The best thing you can do to help us keep our Tranmere stats section going is to simply use it and share it. The more fans that know about it, use it and share it, the more traffic we can get in to the site which proves its worth to us. There is nothing worse than investing hours and hours of time in to something which isn’t looked at!

Tranmere Rovers stats 2018/19

Quick links:

Tranmere player stats – coming soon

Tranmere fixtures and results – coming soon

Tranmere player profiles – coming soon

Tranmere Rovers stats 2017/18

Tranmere player stats 17/18

Tranmere fixtures and results 17/18

Tranmere player profiles 17/18